Gamindu Hemachandra

Executive Director / Chief Academic Officer

Gamindu Hemachandra has 21 years of experience in higher education, which includes, over 14 years of teaching experience in Software Engineering, Software Design and Software Architecture. He has headed the School of Computing at the Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology (APIIT), was the Deputy Director of the Local Technical Secretariat for APIIT, IRQUE (Improving Relevance & Quality of Undergraduate Education) Project by the World Bank, the Chairman of the Academic Staff Development Committee at APIIT and the Head of Academic Development and Quality Enhancement at APIIT.

He has been a resource person for the Higher Education for the Twentieth Century, World Bank Project of the Ministry of Higher Education Sri Lanka. He has been trained in quality assurance by the QAA, UK. Gamindu Hemachandra graduated with a First Class Honours in Physics from the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.